Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Whole New World

Tomorrow is an exciting day in the Bachman household.  With my surgery, most things have gotten worse.  It is harder to walk.  Take care of kids.  Mow the lawn. Shower.  The one area of my life that is going to get considerably easier is in the area of parking.  I have been issued a a temporary parking pass for the next six months.  That means from Feb 26th to Aug 26th I have been give permission to park in areas that I have never been able to legally park before.  I am struggling with this for one reason.  I don't have it as bad off as others and I would never wish upon myself or anyone else a permanent disability.  I do have to say that I legitimately need a pass and will use it to the fullest letter of the law.  I am going to suck the marrow out of this parking pass.  I will park in places that I don't even need to go for the simple pleasure of being able to.  Below you will see the top 5 places that I will be parking in the next six months.  If you have any issue with this please understand I am more sticking it to the man than other people who also need the space.  I also commit that if there is a parking battle between myself and someone else of handicapped need, I will always defer to them.  However at most of the places I am going to be parking, there never seems to be a deficit of handicapped parking stalls.  Gentleman start your parking...

  • Target  ::  We just go like three times a day, so it would be nice to be closer. 
  • Walmart  ::  They have like 87 spots and that middle isle is all handicapped spaces.  One will be mine.
  • Fresno State and any other Educational institutions.  ::  This will be even sweeter if it is free.
  • A Theme Park  ::  I am very impartial as to which park of amusement, just one that I can place my car right near the front ticket book.
  • A Concert or Sporting Event at an Arena  ::  The student has become the teacher.
Those are my top 5.  If you have anywhere you can think of, please tell me or email me at and I would be happy to park there in honor of you.  If you are nice I will even let you ride with me when I park in your place.

Happy Parking Day!

1 comment:

  1. Target three times a day is hysterical!! We're the same, 'cept insert Costco.
